right guys this is an ORDER. be on DoW tomorrow around 5/6 ish for some clan traning. if im not on after 6 then im being gay and stubborn.
any1 who cannot make it for whatever reason post here if u dont show and dont post then you will be punished (trust me...i can do lots with my admin powers XD)
since the clan only really consists of me, rave, fenix and this new chick (niceguys sis if she turns up) ud better all be on!
the plan...we start off with some v easy comp stomps so i can see what ur all capeable of, then perhaps a 2v1 depending on how many ppl turn up...this is an invitation to all past [BOSS] members as well (tidal get a move on!)
then depending on who we have i wanna do some basic traning (strats, teamwork etc...the usual drills)
remember this is DAWN OF WAR *NOT!!!* WINER ASSAULT!!
i expect you ALL to be there ( new old and previous members...even though i cannot boss the latter about! ) i also want some info off u while were on for a new page to the site. i plan to give you all your own personal page. but i need info for that.
anyway thats all...id better see you all on...or im gunna be using my admin powers to abuse a few of u!
[BOSS]Squall wrote: id better see you all on...or im gunna be using my admin powers to abuse a few of u!
Squall, you couldn't do it anymore if you tried :p lol power gone to your head lol
But yeah, i MIGHT be there. I'l try my best. Dunno what the traffic will be like, i'll probably get stuck in rush hour on the way home again so i'll probably be late
lol rave u WILL be there. im staying on till about 8/9 maybe earlier cos of homework, and the house me and my dad are doing up atm. but im definately gunna be there and so will you! phone every1 raven ( every1 u know fenix niceguys etc ) so they def know
I like to be an annoying stubborn bitch, i'm alot better at it then most other things, like co-operating :p Ask Fenix, he knows only too well :p
Oh yeah, I definitely know... ;)
Okay, 5-6ish tonight - should be okay as by a happy coincidence I downloaded the patches yesterday so I'm good to go (in theory...). I just have to create a new profile and I'll be on. Shouldn't have a problem as my girlfriend's still in Aberdeen so I've got nothing better to do ;)
I haven't played DOW in a while so I hope I can remember everything...if there are any major changes in the patches (up to 1.4) relevant to Eldar, please let me know in advance!
Captain Thule: We have yet to meet our betters, alien. All we have seen are deluded tyrants, heretics and alien scum. Farseer Taldeer: You should have looked beyond your mirror then.
Sorry for dissapearing earlier -.- we had a powercut of all bloody things! XD lol My dad wasn't too amused about it either. How did it go with you guys?
well guys rave and fenix made it...we have a long way to go before we get anywhere near BOSS's previous standard but im pretty sure it can be done.
oh and raven that game u dropped outta? me and fenix were hardpressed and he dropped at the end leaving me to take the rest (easier said than done!) but we won
Up til then I was helping protect Squall's base while he slammed the enemy ones (only returning the favour, as his Land Speeders saved mine earlier in the game)
Captain Thule: We have yet to meet our betters, alien. All we have seen are deluded tyrants, heretics and alien scum. Farseer Taldeer: You should have looked beyond your mirror then.
Why whenever i want to play a computer game recently something ALWAYS happens to stop me, chores, parents, family in general, POWERCUTS!, flipping homework. You'd think someone was trying to tell me something wouldn't ya. lol Fenix :p
when he dropped they raped my base lol i beat them off but only with 2 buildings left...i had ne red left so couldent make any more lol i use my termys and my 1 landraider to defend and my 3 squads took out the rest...it was bloody close lol...outta nowhere came 6 defilers lol
Defilers *shudder* Chaos bots seem to be able to pull them out of thin air...
Captain Thule: We have yet to meet our betters, alien. All we have seen are deluded tyrants, heretics and alien scum. Farseer Taldeer: You should have looked beyond your mirror then.
And in WA they're useless against other vehicles until you get "Chaos Ammunition"
@ Asreal - I thought you liked Tyranids LOL
We should get Tyranids in the next DOW game! Then we'd really be ripping off Starcraft - we'd have Terran (Imperial Guard/Space Marines), Protoss (Eldar) and Zerg (Tyranids)!
Although admittedly 40K came before Starcraft so technically they're ripping us off...
And if the next expansion pack (if there is one) follows the pattern of the new race being the minor one from the previous game then it will be Necrons (the most spammable army in 40K ever *rolleyes*)
Captain Thule: We have yet to meet our betters, alien. All we have seen are deluded tyrants, heretics and alien scum. Farseer Taldeer: You should have looked beyond your mirror then.