Thats ok then, jst that Naruto is now on Jetix (used 2 b called FoxKids) its the UK and oh my god I thot the American (CartoonNetwork) version ruined it but the UK Jetix version is just awful. Btw u can now by Naruto first season on DVD if not now then soon and its ment to show scenes not shown on TV. (apart from in Jap version)
I'm watching the original japanese versions with the subtitles. I watched the first five seconds of a english version and had exit it and look for a different one it was so bad XD
Im gonna go bye the first season and see if it is jst the jap version but with the english voices. but to b honest im fan of the old subtitles. Anyway we getting 2 off topic. lol
Captain Thule: We have yet to meet our betters, alien. All we have seen are deluded tyrants, heretics and alien scum. Farseer Taldeer: You should have looked beyond your mirror then.
Captain Thule: We have yet to meet our betters, alien. All we have seen are deluded tyrants, heretics and alien scum. Farseer Taldeer: You should have looked beyond your mirror then.
Okay, okay, to get back on topic great we've got plenty in the way of character background, but where are we going to open the story (ie write all that stuff out in full or just add it in somewhere convenient) - I really don't know where to begin.
Captain Thule: We have yet to meet our betters, alien. All we have seen are deluded tyrants, heretics and alien scum. Farseer Taldeer: You should have looked beyond your mirror then.
Well we aren't starting yet, we have to finish the other one first.
And i know where Fariel will be starting out. But Sean will probably bring up the story line in his post seeing as it begins with him :p Fariel will probably be half way through a heist or something :p lol Just basicalyl messing around until you guys come to take her away on the silly little quest :p
*sigh* read the title, As - Planning Thread for AA2
Okay in that case I'll start with the storm and Feyd, Sonya and Eevee heading off to the Ellessar Woods (elf land). Shortly after they meet up with Keiji and get seperated in some big fight I haven't worked out yet I can bring in Jacen.
Heh heh heh, Fariel in the middle of a'll be Ocean's Eleven all over're such a bad influence on Eevee XD One of Sonya's first lines after she wanders off is going to be
(fondly exasperated) "Evelyn Jenae Kobie, you've been spending far too much time around Auntie Fariel."
Captain Thule: We have yet to meet our betters, alien. All we have seen are deluded tyrants, heretics and alien scum. Farseer Taldeer: You should have looked beyond your mirror then.
Hahahaha. 15 years after the first one is a long time. Shes gonna be one hell of a high powered theif, leader of Kebel and one hell of a scary bitch :p Oceans eleven fails in comparision to the things that Kebel and her do for a living ;)
Oh dear, that's not what the Avenging Angels are supposed to be about at all...oh well I wonder how Jacen's going to react to her.
Captain Thule: We have yet to meet our betters, alien. All we have seen are deluded tyrants, heretics and alien scum. Farseer Taldeer: You should have looked beyond your mirror then.
Late 30s isn't old! And my new characters are only 20-something and 16!
Captain Thule: We have yet to meet our betters, alien. All we have seen are deluded tyrants, heretics and alien scum. Farseer Taldeer: You should have looked beyond your mirror then.
Hahahahaha it is totally old :p THough if we aren't going to physically age much it won't be such a big deal. But expect to be called Old Man alot by me :p lol cause i'm nice like that :p
I wouldn't have thought it would matter much whether the Aeons slowed down the aging process or not, I mean, Tanis is an elf and Neji's only 40.
And the Avenging Angels having kids has made me wonder about something - do the Aeons "pass on" to the children or do they split their powers? Coz if it's the latter there could be a lot of Aeon-infused people running around Spira within a few generations.
Captain Thule: We have yet to meet our betters, alien. All we have seen are deluded tyrants, heretics and alien scum. Farseer Taldeer: You should have looked beyond your mirror then.
Poor lonely Fariel :( But come on, did Feyd, Sonya, Neji or Melina EVER pressure her into starting a family?
Maybe we could tie it up by saying once Penance is gone Spira is pretty much saved so the First Aeons return to the Farplane leaving the Avenging Angels as normal humans again.
Captain Thule: We have yet to meet our betters, alien. All we have seen are deluded tyrants, heretics and alien scum. Farseer Taldeer: You should have looked beyond your mirror then.
No they didn't say anything :p I doubt they will mention it either. Children only get in the way anyway. And besides, you can't get that lonely when your surrounded by people. Plus she won't have time to be lonely, she'll be to busy beating up The Gaurd, training her students and robbing people ;)
But yay for going back to a normal life after this! For Fariel, Neji, Feyd and Sonya it'll probably be a welcome change LOL Not sure how Eevee will take it.
Captain Thule: We have yet to meet our betters, alien. All we have seen are deluded tyrants, heretics and alien scum. Farseer Taldeer: You should have looked beyond your mirror then.
Going back to normal would suck. We'll loose all our kick ass powers and go back to what we were to start with. I don't think i would want that XD LOL Plus who will i have strange conversations in my head with is Leviathan isn't there! XD LOL
It's not all bad they can still shapeshift/use Elven magic/use their cool Atellian weapons.
And you could just talk to Tanis LOL from some of Squall's posts I think he really likes Fariel
Captain Thule: We have yet to meet our betters, alien. All we have seen are deluded tyrants, heretics and alien scum. Farseer Taldeer: You should have looked beyond your mirror then.
But there'll be no evil bastards left to use them ON. And I don't know about the others but Feyd and Sonya never wanted to be gods among mere mortals.
Captain Thule: We have yet to meet our betters, alien. All we have seen are deluded tyrants, heretics and alien scum. Farseer Taldeer: You should have looked beyond your mirror then.
How about we become the last Avenging Angels, when our characters die so do the aeons instead of being renicarnated in an other persons body.
I have a theroy for the power transfer. The reason Keiji will have Diablos power will be purely do to Genes, so swimming in his blood will be half Human and half Demon giving him the demon powers yet remaining in a human form and with no trace of Diablos in him so somehow the Aeons genes are transfered into the child but not the Aeon itself catch my drift?
So Keijis power will stay with him forever. Now that doesnt mean that in a few hundred years the whole human race will have demon powers, it works out like this;
Keiji - 1/2 Demon blood (pretty much the same as a demon but human form) Keiji's child - 1/4 demon blood (same but not as powerful) their child - 1/8 (Again power can be acheived through training but not nearly as powerful as 1/2 or 1/4) their child - 1/16 (by this point the demon blood will have no effect on the person physical abilitys) their child - 1/32 (again someone will only know they have it should they take a blood sample)
And so on and so forth until the demon Gene is furtually Nothing. It will work the same for Eevee just slighty differnt her power will be;
Eevee - 1/3 Ramuh, 1/3 Tritoch, 1/3 human In the same fasion the genes will go down as a new child is born; Next Child - 1/6 Ramuh, 1/6 Tritoch and the human gene will increase so it will be at 2/3
now should along the line a person with Demon blood and a person with Tritoch and Ramuh produce a child the outcome is jst as simple, say the person was 1/4 Demon and the other was 1/6 Tritoch and 1/6 Ramuh then that person would simply adopt both set of genes yet they will still go down along time. So that person would become;
1/8 Demon, 1/12 Tritoch and 1/12 Ramuh the rest being human genes.
That's a lot of math :P but yeah I see what you mean. Meh, we can cross that bridge when we come to it (which won't be for a while as it'll probably be near the end of the sequel)
Captain Thule: We have yet to meet our betters, alien. All we have seen are deluded tyrants, heretics and alien scum. Farseer Taldeer: You should have looked beyond your mirror then.
Ok the forum was looking major bare so I thot id wrk on something for it during Uni and I did, Atellians. Sry i know its really long. But it explains the Atellians (kinda) and it shows what Penaces army will be built up like.
Well to some Atellians up, they look like Angel people and they are pretty much Angel people. In there prime they were very technologically advanced sporting powerful weaponary and fancy stuff. But due to there culture, they were very powerful at close combat fightning and prefered it aswell and only used there weaponary for wars and in dire situations. Although they couldnt enchant there machines and weaponary they do have there own kind of magic, a random selection of Holy magic aswell and dark magic, yet they did not use it much so the odds of finding a magical wizz Atellian are pretty slim, (you do get so if u want to creat one then by all means).
Here are the classes Of Atellians;
Warrior - Powerful close combat fighters, each warrior would have there own favourite weapon ranging from anything really and those of the highest rank would have there own custom made weapon. As they advance through ranks so does there skills. Every rank which has to wear armor all where the same armor, yet higher ranks would have it painted different and ranks at High/Bright Champion and above might have slight modifactions to there armor.
Warrior Ranks;
Champions basic Soilders can actually be pretty poor at fightning Must wear armor
Ascended Champions next Level must prove ones self must wear armor
Decorated Champions (same as Ascended yet they have preformed a heroic deed, most are actually dead)
High Champion (quite skilled close combat fighters given charge of small groups. must wear armor)
Bright Champions (same as High Champions, and with same responsiblitys but better at magic than close combat, there are very few of these. must wear armor)
Grand Champion (Second highest ranks, those of this rank are very powerful and should not be taken lightly, they would no doute have there own custom armor and slight modications to there weapon Given charge of all the High Champions in there unit, normally about 2 of these guys per Unit, do not have to where armor should they choose not to, yet many do anyway)
Celestial Champion (The highest Rank, those of this rank are incredibly strong and very experianced, they are in charge there whole army. They have there own unqie weapon and dont tend to wear armor. Very few reach this rank, this rank was normally given to the Avenging Angels of the past and those who have proved to be worthy of it they are very powerful in fightning, Magic and Healing)
Engineer - These guys make all that fancy Atellian Tech, and many use them in battle. They also have battle ranks.
Engineer ranks;
Engineer - basic Engineers they dont tend to fight just stay home and make stuff
Mech Engineer - these guys fight on the lines they are automatically given the rank of Ascended Champion.
Master Engineer - The lead Engineer, one must prove themselves to be honored with this name those who are often fight in the front lines leading the Mech Engineers. They use their own weapons and own armor. Sort of like High/Bright champions but they only command Engineers they adopt the same sort of role when not in battle but in workshops aswell.
Celestial Engineer - The greatest Engineer, very few have this rank and when Engineers are taking part in battle they would work along side the Celestial Champion and they both have similar roles. They would run a whole workshop. There are few who have the mastery to be given this rank but there is always one per workshop. Some Celestial Engineers can drift off from reality and not only have there own modified weapons and armor but there own modifed bodys having the skill to add machines and metal limps to themselves and others.
Healers - They heal, Atellians have great healing abilitys yet few have to will to master it completely.
Healer ranks;
Apprectice Healer - Atellian who show the ability to heal yet not at a high level, think of them as nurses as the they do nurses jobs
Medical Atellian - These guys are basically doctors to you and me, they work as Doctors or Surgeons, and can heal pretty well.
Field healer - These guys are field medics, they have the same skills as doctors, they are not good at fighting yet all carry a small pistol for protection.
Master Healers - Head doctors, they train other healers and run hosbitals and other things like that. They are also seen on the battlefield leading the Field healers and healing people themselves. They can fight to standards just above Champions.
High Council man - The most powerful of Atellians they run all Atellians. Penace was once a High Council Man who went bad.
Summoners - Atellians were the first of the summoners, those who have that gift are given the most repect and help run the Atellian race. Atellians are also very religous and have many temples each is run by a summoner. Should a Summoner take part in a battle they will take full command of every unit.
and finally you have you Civilans who do things that people do, live really, run shops, have familys.
Atellian Gender divide - Atellians are an equal race, so both man and women could reach any rank. But as normal, Atellians reproduce the exact same as human, and also have similar breeds. So it is not rare in those days to see a happily married couple of an Atellian and an Elf, with happy little children or an Atellian mixing with the early humans. In fact Mixing woth other races is smiled upon in Atellian Religeon.
Finally appreance. Atellians look alot like humans apart from one distinct feature, there wings. They have Angel wings which could be black or white, the colour of the wings does not determine if the Atellian is good, evil, male, female nor are they diffent race, they just have differnt colour wings. (Similar to we have Balck Skin and White Skin both humans and with same rights no really difference apart from appreance). They tend to be frail looking and gentle and some even look quite freaky lol or they could look quite big, scary and evil (if they look like that they actually tend to be alot of traitor who joined Penace look like that). They are light compared to any race alowing for easier flight, yet despite appearance they have the same physical abilitys as humans apart from being able to fly and they age the same. Basically a cross between Elf and Human with wings on the back. And finally another traite is there abilty to hide their wings. They also have a dress sense depending on the person, hey could wear robes, or short skirts and long boots, Shorts and T-shirt and even Suit and tie.
To help paint a picture here are a few pictures of roughly what they would look like.
Gawd daym man, where do you get all these pics? Now find some for Eevee, Jacen, Zell and Keiji LOL
Anyway, for my 2 cents I was thinking about your idea for the prologue in AA2 and was drawing up a rough guide (as much for myself as anyone else!) and was guessing the posts for the prologue would go something like…
<2 years ago> Introduce Eevee (can show she is learning magic by, I don’t know, healing a butterfly or something…). Fariel visiting Feyd and Sonya (can include background of daggers by Fariel asking about them, and also gives Asreal a good excuse to post). Unexpectedly visited by Alariele and Eevee is told she is an Avenging Angel and about going to train with the elves.
Sean could add in a short piece about Keiji as a child if he feels like it - perhaps Neji and Melina discussing his demonic powers while he’s busy sparring with one of the elves.
<Present> Jacen as a mysterious stranger asking after Kerr in Luca. After he leaves one of the people he was questioning says something like “We’d better let Fariel know that someone’s looking for her” - cut to whatever Fariel’s doing (this is just an opportunity for As to post anything she feels appropriate for the prologue)
Re-introduce Neji and co, so can catch up on background. The storm. Neji and Cid go off to fight Penance (fight scene as appropriate, or just disappear).
Go back in time a bit to Eevee coming home after a training session with her new Force Lance (can include other background, eg making friends with Keiji - or trying to…he’s apparently hopeless with girls - as a thought process/telling mum about it etc at this point). Mysterious storm. They set out to meet Neji and the elves to ask them about it.
Meanwhile in the Ellessar woods, Keiji leaves to look for his father (Sean’s post).
Feyd, Sonya and Eevee arrive shortly afterwards and find out from Melina and Zell that he’s already gone.
This sets everything up nicely to begin the main story. Of course the posts don’t have to follow this order (As would be left a bit bored…) because I’ll shuffle them around to make them fit when writing it up properly.
Captain Thule: We have yet to meet our betters, alien. All we have seen are deluded tyrants, heretics and alien scum. Farseer Taldeer: You should have looked beyond your mirror then.
That sounds like a plan, yeh I will posting a fight the fight of Neji and Cid vs Penace, its gonna b huge, since Neji is gonna b a beast in the next one.
Also thx I look far and wide 4 those pictures. Also note the guy in the second picture is not wot Keiji is gonna look like he is only representing him to show the relationship he will have with that Atellian, Ive got a few names picked out for her Thinking of naming her Tsunami. Also most of Keijis travelling is gonna b with her. She is gonna b the same age as him and she is also gonna be a gd fighter.